Thursday, April 24, 2008

Time out and a recipe

Tonight at church we had a "time out" for women. In other words we were to take some time out and just come to the building for a potluck of salads and desserts and to fellowship with each other. I am not a big salad eater but I decided to go anyway. I made a Peach Pie Filling Salad. It was a recipe of my grandmother's. It is a good recipe because you can keep all the ingredients on hand and make it in a hurry. Unless you drop the can of peach pie filling on the floor and cannot open it with any can opener you have in your house because the top and bottom are poking out. So I had to go to the store and buy another can.

Here is the recipe:

Mix together these ingredients in a large bowl and chill.
1 small can of pineapple chunks (drained)
1 small can of mandarin oranges (drained)
1 can fruit cocktail (drained)
1 can of peach pie filling
Marshmallows (about 1 cup, I just put in enough to it looks like enough)
Bananas (about 2 large bananas, cut in slices)

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