Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve at my mom's

We always go over my mom's house on Christmas Eve along with my brother and his fiance. There is an insane amount of presents to open. My mother loves Christmas and decorating and wrapping presents and all that!

Kaitlyn and Kyle always pass out the gifts.

Somebody has been good this year (those would all be for me!)

Kaitlyn got a docking station for her ipod.

Kyle liked playing in a box

I think every little boy I know got this toy for Christmas.


Then Kyle got my camera and started to take pictures. He turned off the flash so they are kinda orangey. He wanted a camera for Christmas but I thought he was a little young. Maybe I will get him one next year.

Then I got my mom this picture of her graduating from college along with a poem my Grandma wrote her framed.

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