Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Snow

Usually when they are predicting snow in Memphis they talk about for a few days. Sunday night I was watching the news and the weather guy said we could get a pretty good snow that night I was surprised. I thought whatever and went to bed. Well Monday morning we got the call that school was canceled and sure enough there was a nice blanket of snow outside.

And this time there was no ice, so it was the nice puffy pretty snow. Perfect for snow angels, snowball fights and snowmen. However Kaitlyn and Kyle were both sick on Sunday so they went out for a little while but really didn't feel like playing (especially Kyle). They did have a small snowball with the neighbor kids and Kaitlyn started building a snowman.

John took my car to work but then discovered he didn't have to work and came back home. It has started to sleet when he left and he came back and parked my car in the driveway like normal. I went out to check the mail and found my car had slid about 2-3 feet down the driveway, and that is with the emergency brake on!

This morning the kids went back out to finish their snowman. But the snow had become hard from the sleet and gotten dirty so he wasn't as cute but here he is.

Since the snow was icy we couldn't find anything good that would stick for the face so Kaitlyn decided to use crayons and a film canister.

So far we have missed 5 days of school. I am over the snow for the season. I think I have enough snow picture for this year, it can go ahead and get warm anytime.

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