Monday, November 17, 2008

All 7 of them

Yesterday we went out to Luke's house. It has been a while since we have all been out there on a Sunday. So we had all 7 of the cousins there and we tried to take a picture. Here is the best we got:

It is not half bad and if we get copies of it made for the grandparents they will love it no matter what it looks like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This pic fits them all too. It is a great pic. Peyton just chilling but she can't wait to get up and move around one day soon, Aaliyah and Kaitlyn don't care about anything other than they are holding a baby, Cohen can't sit still and looks like like he's about to get into something, Kyle is nothing but smiles, and Jade is fixing her hair bc she is such the girl.